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Great heritage

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Great heritage in the Lusatian region

Great heritage in the Lusatian region

Fuchsia bridge © Rene Egmont Pech

Moving landscape in transition

Great heritage! Unique landscape art

The legacy of Hermann Prince von Pückler-Muskau can still be experienced today in Muskauer Park. Garden art, nature painting, landscape composition - and the whole thing transcends national borders on both sides of the Neisse. Today, around two thirds of the park lies on the Polish side. The park is the largest landscape garden in Central Europe of English origin - and has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 2004.

further information

Great heritage! Created from the Ice Age and industrial culture

The Muskau Arch has been listed as a UNESCO Global Geopark since 2015. Its current landscape was formed by a huge glacier and shaped by many years of mining. Today, you will mainly find natural valleys, hundreds of narrow mining lakes that shimmer in all colors and the Devil's Stone: the largest boulder in the Folded Arch, with clearly visible indentations, naturally from the claws of the devil.

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Great heritage! Extensive nature conservation

The Upper Lusatian Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve is the largest contiguous pond area in Central Europe, the only biosphere reserve in Saxony and the habitat of many rare plants and animals. And of course the Lusatian fish: ponds for fish farming have been created here since the 13th century and connected by canals. Today, the UNESCO-recognized biosphere reserve is characterized by a harmonious and sustainable coexistence of man and nature. Those seeking peace and quiet, cycling and hiking enthusiasts will get their money's worth on the predominantly flat land.

Further information

Great heritage! Unmistakable Spreewald

The Spreewald is not located in Upper Lusatia, but in Lusatia in Brandenburg. Despite this geographical difference, the Spreewald is included in this project. The reason for this is its proximity to the other UNESCO sites in the region - it is less than 50 kilometers away. The Spreewald has been protected as a UNESCO biosphere reserve since 1991. The inland river delta of the Spree is home to many rare animals and plants. 300 kilometers of waterways are lined with meadows, forests, pastures and lovingly restored log cabins thatched with straw and reeds. The region has traditionally been strongly influenced by the Sorbs for a very long time. They settled in the Spreewald during the migration of peoples in the 6th century.

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Great heritage! Living traditions

We have often been cultivating our traditions and customs for centuries. The artistic decoration of eggs with wax became a popular Sorbian custom at Easter between the 16th and 17th centuries. And we have been experiencing the "blue wonder" of blue printing in Pulsnitz for around 400 years.

Further information

Great heritage! The industrial culture

Nothing has had such an impressive and lasting impact on the Lusatian landscape and people as opencast lignite mining. At present, a multi-layered transformation process can be actively experienced. However, the traces of the past are not being erased, but remain part of the emerging future face of the region. These are impressive places where the recent industrial past can be seen and felt.

Further information

Like hardly any other region in Germany, Lusatia stands for enormous contrasts in a very small area. Contrasts that are the result of constant change. Landscape and people are shaped by nature. Man, in turn, has strongly influenced nature and the landscape. The large-scale exploitation of its natural resources in the industrial age has left its mark. Nevertheless, there are still timeless natural landscapes to discover today. It is the "great heritage" of the past centuries that characterizes life in Lusatia today and will also accompany the upcoming structural change.

The "great heritage" is reflected in the special landscape, but also in the architecture and life in this region. With World Heritage, Geopark, Biosphere Reserves and Intangible Heritage, four different UNESCO titles have been awarded to the Lusatian region - which is unparalleled worldwide. The World Heritage Site Muskauer Park/ Park Mużakowski, the transnational World Heritage Site "Settlements of the Moravian Church", the Global Geopark Muskauer Faltenbogen/ Łuk Mużakowa, the Upper Lusatian Heath and Pond Landscape Biosphere Reserve and the intangible heritage of blue printingare particularly worthy of protection in the opinion of UNESCO.

UNESCO-listed cultural and natural heritage sites, man-made cultural landscapes, areas shaped by open-cast mining and a strong sense of tradition - this is the extraordinary mix that makes Lusatia one of the most exciting regions in the heart of Europe.

Our great heritage of Lusatia

Travel offers for your vacation in Lusatia

Go on a journey into a great heritage - before everyone else does.

Further information

Explanatory videos on the UNESCO-listed treasures of Lusatia

Cycling to the UNESCO sites of Upper Lusatia.

A travelogue on the trail of UNESCO sites

In May 2023, the bloggers "kommwirmachendaseinfach" were out and about by bike in Upper Lusatia on the trail of UNESCO sites. They have summarized their highlights and travel tips in a blog post.

To the blog post

Großes Erbe Faltkarte

Wie kaum eine andere Region Deutschlands steht die Lausitz für gewaltige Gegensätze auf engstem Raum. Gegensätze als Ergebnis eines ständigen Wandels. So prägen noch immer Wunden die Landschaft der Lausitz, allerdings im Kontrast zur Lieblichkeit der englischen Gartenkunst historischer Parkanlagen. Und die Landschaft heilt nach und nach.

Aus Bräuchen und Gegensätzen wird hier Welterbe geschaffen. Von der UNESCO ausgezeichnete Kultur- und Naturerbestätten, Kulturlandschaften, vom Tagebau geprägte Gegenden oder Städte wie Görlitz und Bautzen sind Leuchttürme der Region. Sie erzählen Geschichten, die teils Jahrhunderte überspannen. All das nennen wir unser großes Erbe, welchem wir uns verpflichtet fühlen.

Ausgezeichnet! Großes Erbe im Lausitzer Land

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von dieser Broschüre, tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte der Lausitz, ihre Landschaften und Gegensätze, 
ihre Architektur und Traditionen. Und gehen Sie selbst auf Entdeckungsreise, bevor es alle tun – das große Erbe wartet auf Sie!

Großes Erbe der Lausitz - Kompaktes Wissen über die Lausitzer UNESCO-Stätten für Gäste und Gastgeber

Wo aus Wald und Wiesen durch Menschenhand ein

Meisterwerk eines Landschaftsparks erwuchs, wo in

einer Auen- und Moorlandschaft ein komplexes Netz

aus Kanälen und Teiche zur Fischzucht enstanden, wo

aus eiszeitlichen Landschaften erst Bergbauregionen

und dann Naherholungsgebiete wurden: Das ist die

Lausitz. Eine seit Jahrtausenden bewegte Landschaft

im Wandel, die auch der Mensch durch Besiedlung,

Acker- und Bergbau nachhaltig geprägt hat. Fünf

UNESCO-Auszeichnungen zeugen von der Bedeutung

des Wandels und des großen Erbes der Lausitz.

Wielkie dziedzictwo Łużyc - Co każdy turysta i usługodawca o łużyckich obiektach na liście UNESCO wiedzieć powinien

Tam, gdzie z lasów i łąk dzięki pracy ludzkich rąk

wyrósł park krajobrazowy, gdzie wśród rozlewisk

i bagien powstał spójny system kanałów i stawów

hodowlanych, gdzie w polodowcowym krajobrazie

utworzono najpierw tereny górnicze, a następnie -

rekreacyjne: to są właśnie Łużyce. Zmieniający

się od tysięcy lat krajobraz, który w długotrwały

sposób kształtowany jest również przez człowieka:

przez osadnictwo, uprawę roli czy górnictwo. Pięć

wyróżnień ze strony UNESCO świadczy o roli dokonujących

się zmian i wielkim dziedzictwie Łużyc.

This project is part of the “Small Project Fund INTERREG Poland - Saxony 2014–2022” and is funded by EU funds.

© 2024 Marketing-Gesellschaft
Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

With the partnership support of the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.