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UNESCO Spreewald Biosphere Reserve

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UNESCO Spreewald Biosphere Reserve The green Venice

UNESCO Spreewald Biosphere Reserve

The green Venice

Luebbenau © pixabay

Discovering a great heritage by water

Culture and nature in balance

Anyone paddling in the Spreewald in south-eastern Brandenburg or taking a boat through the water often uses waterways that were created by melting glaciers after the Ice Age around 10,000 years ago, before the Spree virtually took them over and branched out widely. In the 18th century, many canals were also created to drain land and thus gain arable land. Today, however, the UNESCO biosphere reserve strictly observes a balance between economic use and nature. Culturally, the Spreewald is characterized by the Sorbs, who settled here in the 6th century and still maintain their traditions today.

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Experience Sorbian traditions

Easter is the most famous, but by no means the only living Sorbian custom. The Sorbs celebrate a bird wedding on January 25th. Children dress up in self-made bird costumes and traditional Sorbian wedding clothes, because according to legend, a magpie and a raven married on this day. The evening before, the children place small plates on the windowsill, which the birds fill overnight with sweets such as skroki, small dough birds. This is how the feathered friends say thank you for the winter feeding and invite you to the wedding.

Say goodbye to winter - that's what the Sorbs say at Zapust, with three days of celebrations between the end of January and the beginning of March, including a parade in traditional costume and lots of dancing. At the same time, the Zampern is also a fun event - masked and disguised people parade through the village making music and noise and asking for gifts. Every two years in summer, folklore groups enchant their audiences at the "Łužica - Łužyca -Lausitz" festival. 

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Many paths lead to the Spreewald. Even more lead through it

100 kilometers south of Berlin, you can immerse yourself in another world. This is a pristine corner of the world. The Spreewald has been protected as a UNESCO biosphere reserve since 1991. The dense network of canals and water arms - the rivers - is home to many rare animals and plants. The almost 300 kilometers of waterways are ideal for exploring the region by boat. You can do this actively by paddling a canoe or kayak yourself. Or you can sit back, relax and let yourself be carried through the labyrinth of water on one of the traditional barges. The route is always lined with meadows, forests, pastures and lovingly restored thatched and reed-roofed log cabins. Even in winter, the landscape has its own special charm: when the rivers are frozen over, you can skate through this almost jungle-like landscape. Those who prefer solid ground under their feet can of course also explore the Spreewald on foot or by bike. More than 1000 kilometers of well-developed cycle paths lead through the region.

Ambassador of Lusatia

The interplay of water and land, meadows and forests in the Spreewald is simply breathtaking, explains Alexander Hoschke Ranger in the UNESCO Spreewald Biosphere Reserve

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Großes Erbe Faltkarte

Wie kaum eine andere Region Deutschlands steht die Lausitz für gewaltige Gegensätze auf engstem Raum. Gegensätze als Ergebnis eines ständigen Wandels. So prägen noch immer Wunden die Landschaft der Lausitz, allerdings im Kontrast zur Lieblichkeit der englischen Gartenkunst historischer Parkanlagen. Und die Landschaft heilt nach und nach.

Aus Bräuchen und Gegensätzen wird hier Welterbe geschaffen. Von der UNESCO ausgezeichnete Kultur- und Naturerbestätten, Kulturlandschaften, vom Tagebau geprägte Gegenden oder Städte wie Görlitz und Bautzen sind Leuchttürme der Region. Sie erzählen Geschichten, die teils Jahrhunderte überspannen. All das nennen wir unser großes Erbe, welchem wir uns verpflichtet fühlen.

Ausgezeichnet! Großes Erbe im Lausitzer Land

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von dieser Broschüre, tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte der Lausitz, ihre Landschaften und Gegensätze, 
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