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Living heritage Experience traditions here

Living heritage

Experience traditions here

Easter riding crowd puller © Philipp Herfort

More than "just" Easter

Easter is the most famous, but by no means the only living Sorbian custom. The Sorbs celebrate a bird wedding on January 25. Children dress up in self-made bird costumes and traditional Sorbian wedding clothes, as legend has it that magpie and raven got married on this day. Say goodbye to winter - that's what the Sorbs say at Zapust, with three days of festivities between the end of January and the beginning of March, including a parade in traditional costume and lots of dancing.

At the same time, the Zampern is also a fun event - people parade through the village in masks and disguises, making music and noise and asking for gifts. Every two years in summer, folklore groups enchant their audiences at the "Łužica - Łužyca -Lausitz" festival. And in the village of Schleife, the tradition of bagpipe playing has been cultivated for more than 400 years and celebrated at the International Bagpipe Festival.

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It couldn't be bluer

Its blue was simply the most beautiful: around 1600, the Indian dye indigo began its triumphant advance in Europe - and with it, blue printing. Even today, Sorbian costumes would be unthinkable without it. However, only a few workshops still dedicate themselves to the elaborate process, which has been a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage site since 2016. The patterns are applied to sheets of linen and cotton using a large stamp pad, the model, and a water-insoluble mass, the cardboard. The fabric is then hung in the indigo dye bath several times. Green fabrics emerge first - it is the oxygen in the air that makes them blue. And the white patterns only appear as if by magic once the cardboard has been dissolved out in a water bath containing sulphuric acid.

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Living traditions

In Lusatia, we are particularly proud of the traditions and customs that have been with us for a long time and are still an integral part of everyday life today. It is not only Sorbian traditions and festivals, such as the artistic decoration of Easter eggs or "Zampern", that are alive in people's everyday lives. Traditional crafts, including artistic blue printing, are also cultivated and are internationally renowned.

Ambassador of Lusatia

Anyone who thinks the bagpipes are only native to Scotland is mistaken. Because in the middle of Europe, in Upper Lusatia, the black and white bagpipes have been played almost continuously for 400 years.

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Großes Erbe Faltkarte

Wie kaum eine andere Region Deutschlands steht die Lausitz für gewaltige Gegensätze auf engstem Raum. Gegensätze als Ergebnis eines ständigen Wandels. So prägen noch immer Wunden die Landschaft der Lausitz, allerdings im Kontrast zur Lieblichkeit der englischen Gartenkunst historischer Parkanlagen. Und die Landschaft heilt nach und nach.

Aus Bräuchen und Gegensätzen wird hier Welterbe geschaffen. Von der UNESCO ausgezeichnete Kultur- und Naturerbestätten, Kulturlandschaften, vom Tagebau geprägte Gegenden oder Städte wie Görlitz und Bautzen sind Leuchttürme der Region. Sie erzählen Geschichten, die teils Jahrhunderte überspannen. All das nennen wir unser großes Erbe, welchem wir uns verpflichtet fühlen.

Ausgezeichnet! Großes Erbe im Lausitzer Land

Lassen Sie sich inspirieren von dieser Broschüre, tauchen Sie ein in die Geschichte der Lausitz, ihre Landschaften und Gegensätze, 
ihre Architektur und Traditionen. Und gehen Sie selbst auf Entdeckungsreise, bevor es alle tun – das große Erbe wartet auf Sie!

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Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

With partnership support from the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.