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Wheel variety

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Cycling region Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia More variety is not possible

Cycling region Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia

More variety is not possible

Mountain bikers in the Zittau Mountains © Philipp Herfort

Twin cycle path

Along the Neisse and Spree

The Oder-Neisse Cycle Route and the Speer Cycle Route, equally enchanting and differently temperamental - like fraternal twins - are the region's best-known cycle routes along the Spree and Neisse rivers. The paths cross the most beautiful areas and towns of Upper Lusatia downstream and are then greeted by the expansive river landscapes of Brandenburg.

And the best thing is that the twins can be perfectly combined into a circular cycle tour via the Froschradweg in the north and the Mittellandroute in the south.

To the most beautiful circular tour in Upper Lusatia

Gravel routes

New adventures in the border triangle

The gravel tours in Upper Lusatia and the border triangle offer you dreamy landscapes, enchanted nature, dreamy villages and an equally varied route. 

After challenging climbs up granite mountains and sandstone formations , lookout towers with spectacular views await.

Bloggers have explored the multifaceted region on their gravel bikes and written down their impressions and experiences:
To the adventure reports

Awaken forces

In Upper Lusatia and Lower Silesia

Kilometer for kilometer, the Upper Lusatian cycle path network promises pure cycling pleasure.

Many signposted routes and numerous digital tours speak for the variety of opportunities to discover the region by bike.

- Multi-day tours, cycle tours for the whole family, routes along the Upper Lusatian lakes and ponds -

You can navigate using the tour portal or the Oberlausitz.Touren app. 

Overview of the region


This project was funded by the INTERREG Poland - Saxony - 2014 - 2020 cooperation program.

© 2024 Marketing-Gesellschaft
Oberlausitz-Niederschlesien mbH

With partnership support from the districts of Bautzen and Görlitz
and regional savings banks.