For Agnieszka Janowska, Head of the Cultural and Educational Center of the UNESCO Global Geopark Muskauer Faltenbogen/ Łuk Mużakowa in Łęknica, Poland, the Geopark is much more than just a workplace - it is an extraordinary place of history, culture and nature.
"For me, the UNESCO Global Geopark is first and foremost a unique place. It is an area that is famous above all for its multicultural heritage, which is reflected in the architecture, history and culture of the place," explains Agnieszka Janowska. With colorful lakes, sunken forests and forest gorges, the Geopark offers beautiful natural landscapes that guests can enjoy during an outdoor stay. The region is not only picturesque in terms of nature, but also a center for the development of tourism, trade and cross-border cooperation. "This amazing alignment of the UNESCO Global Geopark Muskauer Faltenbogen/ Łuk Mużakowa at the border triangle of the Lubuskie Voivodeship, the State of Brandenburg and the Free State of Saxony has a very positive effect on cooperation between our peoples."
A place of knowledge and creativity
The Muskau Arch was formed by the glaciers of the Ice Age, which left behind an impressive moraine landscape. These geological formations and the rich mineral resources that were uplifted laid the foundations for the industrial use of the area. Mining and the extraction of raw materials in particular shaped the local economy in the 18th to 20th centuries. "We offer workshops in glassmaking and working with clay. Through these craft activities, we create links to the old industrial history of the region," says Agniezka Janowska, giving an insight into what is on offer at the Łęknica Visitor Center. For those who want to learn more about the history of the Ice Age, industrial culture and mining, the new exhibition in the visitor center on the German side of the Geopark in the old brickworks in Klein Kölzig is highly recommended.
"We also recommend a hike with a certified geopark guide, who will show you interesting places and tell you about the history of the region in an exciting way," says Agnieszka Janowska.
A place of commitment and preservation
"The most important and interesting thing about my job is that I can get involved in the protection, care and preservation of this national heritage of the UNESCO Global Geopark Muskauer Faltenbogen/ Łuk Mużakowa. The Geopark is not just a job, but a matter close to my heart," she says. "Looking after this unique landscape and preserving its history is a daily challenge that I approach with passion."